jets pest control ipswich

Pest Control Blog

Pest Control Tips to Keep Your Home Free from Pests

Pests can be a nuisance in your home. They get into your food, invade the air you breathe and make themselves at home on your furniture. Pest control is important to have a healthy home for you and your family. In this blog post, we’ll go over some of the most common methods of pest control that are safe for both people and pets. 

What’s up, everyone? Your friendly neighbourhood pest controller Shaun is here with an opportunity to chat about keeping pests out of the house! I’m going to provide tips from my personal experience and research from around the web, so hopefully, by reading this, you’ll learn something new or find it helpful in some way!

If you’re a homeowner and want to keep your home free from pests, then this blog is for you! We’ve compiled some of the best ways to fight off these pesky creatures so that they don’t bite back. 

Pests are a nuisance to homeowners. They can destroy the home’s insulation, chew through wires, and spread disease. This blog will provide tips on keeping your home free from pests, so you no longer have to worry about them! 

1. Keep your home free from clutter

2. Clean up after yourself – don’t leave dishes in the sink or dirty clothes lying around

3. Seal any cracks and crevices that pests can enter through, such as under doors and windows

4. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean up crumbs from floors and counters before bedtime to prevent ants from coming inside

5. Install screens on all windows, including those located near trees or bushes that may attract bugs 

6. Use an insecticide spray outdoors if you see signs of pest activity outside your house (ants, spiders)

Are you keeping your home free from clutter to keep pests away? Pests are attracted to areas with a lot of food and water, so make sure you’re not leaving dishes in the sink or dirty clothes lying around. Seal any cracks and crevices that pests can enter through, such as under doors and windows. Vacuum up crumbs from floors and counters before bedtime to prevent ants from coming inside the house at night time. Install screens on all windows, including those near trees or bushes, which may attract bugs if they get into your yard – this includes insecticide sprays outside if signs of pest activity are seen outdoors – don’t forget an indoor mosquito spray too!

Jets Pest Control Ipswich will help with these pests: ants, spiders, roaches, rodents. 

For more information call us on 1300 566 569.

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